Jacqueline Vaughn is Professor of Political Science at Northern Arizona University, where she specializes in public policy. Professor Vaughn holds a PhD in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, where she also attended the Graduate School of Public Policy. Previously, she taught at the University of Redlands and at Southern Oregon University. Professor Vaughn has a broad spectrum of nonacademic experience in both the public and private sectors. Her environmental background stems from her work with the South Coast Air Quality Management District in Southern California and with Southern California Edison, where she served as a policy analyst. Professor Vaughn's previously published books include THE POWER OF PLAY, GREEN BACKLASH: THE HISTORY AND POLICY OF ENVIRONMENTAL OPPOSITION IN THE UNITED STATE, DISABLED RIGHTS: AMERICAN DISABILITY POLICY AND THE FIGHT FOR EQUALITY, ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM: A REFERENCE HANDBOOK, GEORGE W. BUSH'S HEALTHY FORESTS: REFRAMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL DEBATE (coauthored with Hanna Cortner), MANAGERIAL DISCRETION IN GOVERNMENT DECISION-MAKING (co-authored with Eric Otenyo), and WASTED MANAGEMENT: A REFERENCE HANDBOOK.