Julie A. Fast has dealt with depression all of her adult life. During most of that time she struggled with getting things done, until she developed and used the strategies described in this book. She started two web pages, www.juliefast.com and www.bipolarhappens.com; wrote five books on mood disorders (including Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder and Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder with co-author John D. Preston). She has also received the Eli Lilly Reintergration Achievement Award.

John D. Preston, Psy.D., ABPP, is professor of psychology with Alliant International University, Sacramento, California. Dr. Preston is the author of 18 books on psychtherapy, psychopharmacology, spirituality and emotional healing, and neurobiology, among others. He is also the author of the "Drugs in Psychiatry" chapter in The Encyclopedia Americana.