This guide is one of more than a dozen cultural competence guides created through journalism classes at Michigan State University. The series editor is journalism instructor Joe Grimm, who has been working in cross-cultural communication for 25 years. The authors of this guide are Rebecca Isabelle Fadler, Alexis Stark and Caitlin Taylor. The concept of this series is to teach cultural competence by answering basic questions about a specific group or community. Ultimately, the goal is to break down cultural and socially constructed walls by opening up discussion among people. The guides have been used in diversity training in business, the health industry, interfaith work, universities and law enforcement. We approach cultural competence on the basis that questions asked out of sincere interest, even if phrased in a less than graceful manner, are the best bridges. The guides are meant to start that process and to lead to face-to-face conversations. The guides are icebreakers individuals can read on their own to make awkward conversations easier. Answers in these cultural competence guides are meant to be clear, honest and non-judgmental.