Peter A. Hall is a former teacher with a long-time interest in languages and family history. He tells of the saga that was the production of this story: This story was a journey that started several years ago. It began with a suggestion from Margaret Vrkljam. I completed much of the research and roughed out the first two pages of the manuscript. Then came the stroke. As I slowly emerged from the haze, I looked at those two pages and decided, regretfully, that to continue would be impossible. Two years later, and following many restless nights, I realised that there was no such thing as impossible. Why not give it a go? I contacted Margaret and Bernard Walshe and discovered in them two very affirming friends who were prepared to help by researching a variety of historically resources as well as making available their stash of relevant photos. Twelve months later I emerged with a completed Cathy story. My wife Marie helped with a first effort at editing the text, sorting our facts, names and sequencing. I researched photos from galleries, family files and the internet, thus adding a certain life and energy to the story. We were now ready to go.