Professor at Department of Chemical, Engineering of University of Guanajuato (Mexico) has strong expertise in synthesis, design and optimization of (bio) processes. He has contributed to defining systematic methodologies to found, in a complete way, optimum sustainable and green processes for the production of several commodities. He also applied his methodologies to the production of biofuels and Bio-Based Building Blocks. Products of his research are more than 120 papers published in high impact factor indexed journals, 3 books with prestigious international publishers and three patent registers. In addition, he acts as a reviewer for over 25 top journals in chemical engineering, energy, and applied chemistry. For the pioneering work and remarkable achievements in his area of scientific research, he was National President of Mexican Academy of Chemical Engineering (2013-2015). Also, he is "Associate Editor" of "Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification Journal" (Elsevier), since 2019. Email:, tel: +(52)4737320006 Ex 1403