Marcia Kadanoff is a recognized expert in ROI marketing and attribution analysis, providing guidance on marketing strategy and implementation to the C-Suite at 3Com, Content Rules, Levi Strauss, Microsoft, Oracle, Presence Learning. and Wells Fargo. She is a contributor to Marketing Profs, Clickz, and Mashable and a frequent speaker on lead nurturing, marketing automation, ROI marketing, and marketing attribution. Most recently, she served as CMO to Bislr/Autopilot where she was responsible for positioning and launching this company into the marketing automation space. She came to Bislr/Autopilot through its acquisition in June 2013 of Open Marketing, the fastest growing content marketing agency in San Francisco. At Open Marketing, Kadanoff built a successful practice focused on best practices in inbound marketing, landing page optimization, and content marketing / lead nurturing campaigns.

Oct 7, 2016
Cover of Maker City

Maker City