People who know me have asked how on earth I find time to write. After all I have a full-time job, an occasional weekend job, a husband and four kids to take care of, so where does time to write fit in? Luckily, I'm a bit of an insomniac and my most productive hours are between midnight and five a.m. - It's the perfect time to write! If I tried to go to sleep I'd just be laying there writing a story in my head to entertain myself; so why not just write it down instead? I have been writing stories in my head for as long as I can remember. I'm an avid reader, but if I find myself without a book handy I can pass the time by just writing a new story (or continuing an old one). Even though I've had the stories in my head for all these years, I never quite took the plunge into writing them down to share with others. The idea of letting other people into that private world in my imagination was just too scary. What if they're bored? What if they laugh? Worse, what if I'm trying to be funny and they DON'T laugh? My sister finally convinced me to give it a try and I first wrote this series just for her. Even though I wrote the book, I'll tell you honestly that I still love to read it; it's just a really fun read. I hope you'll read it and enjoy it, too!