Dan Swanson is a 26-year internal audit veteran, who was formerly the Director of Professional Practices at the Institute of Internal Auditors.

Swanson has completed audit projects for over 30 different organizations, spending almost 10 years in government auditing (federal, provincial and municipal levels), and the rest in the private sector, mainly in the financial services, transportation and health sectors. Dan has completed more than 50 IT conversion audits and a dozen comprehensive audits of the IT function. He is currently focused on improving the practice of information security.

Swanson writes a monthly internal audit column for AuditNet, a bi-monthly IT audit column for the Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors (AHIA), and a monthly IT governance resource newsletter for IT Governance Ltd.

He previously wrote a monthly internal audit column for Compliance Week. He is the Managing Editor for EDPACS, a senior audit and control publication dedicated to improving the practice of IT audit and IT security. He has also written for numerous other organizations, including: ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), the American Bar Association (ABA), CIO Canada, IT Compliance Institute (ITCI) and KPMG’s Audit Committee Institute (ACI). He contributes regularly to an information security blog for IT World Canada (ITWC).  The author of more than 150 articles on internal auditing, information security and other management practices, Dan is currently a freelance writer by night and an information security officer for a large healthcare organization by day.