Dave Hanson is a published writer, actor and comedian living in New York City, known for Waiting for Waiting For Godot, Inside Amy Schumer, and Chelsea Lately. As a playwright, Dave's full length comedy Waiting for Waiting For Godot was a hit with critics and audiences alike in the 2013 New York International Fringe Festival. His two one act plays, The Exit Interivew and Cafe d'Automatique, were produced and published in the C-10 play festival (2013 & 2014) in New York City. Dave is also a former writer and producer for Chelsea Lately on the E! Network, Inside Sports (Versus), Beer :30 (Versus) and Gene Pool (Fox). As an actor, Dave recently completed filming on the feature comedy Trainwreck, starring Amy Schumer, directed by Judd Apatow, for Universal Studios. Other TV & Film credits include Inside Amy Schumer (Comedy Central), The Onion News Network (IFC), Chelsea Lately (E!), The Ghost Whisperer (CBS), Carnivale (HBO), Gamers (Sideshow Prod.) & Sparks (Sideshow Prod.) New York theatre credits include Val in Waiting for Waiting For Godot (2013 NYC Fringe), Matt in Breaking Up With My Mom (C10), Rich in The French Waitress (Gene Frankel), Gene in His & Hers (ATA) and Michael Regan in The Boss (Metropolitan Playhouse), which was a New York Time's critic's pick. Dave is a permanent ensemble member of the Collective New York. He also writes and performs regularly with the New York sketch group The Shorts Show.