Dale Pfeiffer was introduced to ancient history and archeology through an inspiring middle school social studies teacher. As a result of this influence, Mr. Pfeiffer, Salutatorian, earned a B. A. degree in Bible and History at Southeastern University. Then later in life, he returned to his love of history and desired to learn about his own family roots; so he subscribed to ancestry.com. During his research on ancestry.com international, Dale discovered that he was a direct descendent of the Pfeiffer family from Rotensol, Germany. He found birth records archived by a Roman Catholic Church dating back to 1604. Later he learned that one family member, Pfeiffer von Pfeifferberg, was knighted in Austria where some scholars believe the Pfeiffer surname originated. This love of ancient history and armed with insight gained while chronicling his surname history, Mr. Pfeiffer authored his thought provoking trilogy, The Pfeifferberg Chronicles.