A recognized authority on leadership and change, Alexander Grashow has been a confidential advisor to presidents, activists, and change agents in their most critical moments of transition. Grashow is a renowned facilitator, speaker, and advisor to leaders around the world, with a broad reach into the global business, philanthropic, entrepreneurial, and creative communities. For the last two decades, Grashow has created programs that are uplifting, challenging, highly interactive, and grounded on the principle that the capacity to adapt and evolve is vital to each of us. He has shown repeatedly that these capacities can be internalized quickly and deployed effectively to create new value, well-being, and contribution. With a deep commitment to sharing what works, Alexander coauthored The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World, from Harvard Business Review Press. He is also coauthor of the Harvard Business Review article Leadership in a Permanent Crisis. In 2015, Grashow founded Good Wolf Group as the next evolution in leadership, business, and personal development practice. He performs his work with a mix of logic, creativity, truth, and grace.