Robin Kramar has been keenly interested in issues associated with people in the workplace for more than thirty years. She is currently Associate Professor of Management at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Director of the Centre of Australasian Human Resource Management and Deputy Director of the MBA. She has held academic positions at a number of universities including the University of New South Wales and Sydney University. Her current role involves lecturing to MBA and Master of Management students in Sydney, Hong Kong and Singapore. Robin's research and consultancy specialties currently focus on strategic human resource management and diversity management. Robin Kramar's research activities have culminated in the publication of five books, more than twenty articles in refereed journals, more than twenty-five chapters in books, and numerous refereed conference papers and monographs. Robin is keen to develop links between academic activities and practitioner requirements, and has been actively involved in the development of management education. She was Book Review Editor for the Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources for almost ten years, and has also been a member of a number of committees involved in the accreditation of university management degrees.