8 books
Detailed Sections from Auger Holes and Outcrops in the Pringletown, Ridgeville, Summerville Northwest, and Summerville Quadrangles, South Carolina
Detailed Sections from Auger Holes and Outcrops in the Cainhoy, Charleston, and Fort Moultrie Quadrangles, South Carolina
Shallow Subsurface Geology of the North Charleston 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, South Carolina
Detailed Sections from Auger Holes and Outcrops in the Ladson, Moncks Corner, Mount Holly, and Stallsville Quadrangles, South Carolina
Detailed Sections from Auger Holes and Outcrops in the Bethera, Cordesville, Huger, and Kittredge Quadrangles, South Carolina
Newly Recognized En Echelon Fall Lines in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Provinces of North Carolina and Virginia
Stratigraphic Distribution and Bibliography of Fossil Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles from Virginia
Detailed Sections from Auger Holes in the Bowling Green, Penola, Sparta, and Supply Quadrangles, Virginia