7 books
On the Poison of Venomous Snakes and the Methods of Preventing Death from Their Bite. Reprinted Papers by Sir Joseph Fayrer, Sir Lauder Brunton and Major Leonard Rogers - Primary Source Edition
On the Poison of Venomous Snakes and the Methods of Preventing Death from Their Bite. Reprinted Papers by Sir Joseph Fayrer, Sir Lauder Brunton and Major Leonard Rogers
On the Poison of Venomous Snakes and the Methods of Preventing Death from Their Bite
Dysenteries; Their Differentiation and Treatment
Fevers in the Tropics, Their Clinical and Microscopical Differentiation Including the Milroy Lectures on Kala-Azar
Fevers in the Tropics, Their Clinical and Microscopical Differentiation Including the Milroy Lecture