Jack Adrian’s real name is Christopher Lowder. Over the past 50-odd years Christopher Lowder has used maybe a dozen or more pseudonyms, and had a few
more foisted on him. He’s written SF, westerns, men’s adventure (for paperback carousels in the rust belt), weird tales, war fiction (WW1,
WW2, Vietnam), Regency romances on the High Toby, comicbook scripts (including Dan Dare. Judge Dredd, Adam Eterno and Kids Rule, O.K.), private eye stories, horror and fantasy. He’s edited upwards of 40
mystery/weird anthologies, including a dozen or so posh ones for Oxford University Press. He’s written for the Literary Review, the Times
Literary Supplement, and for nearly two decades he was a regular obituarist for the late and very much lamented Independent newspaper.
Currently he is Chair of Cradley Parish Council in Herefordshire -- which should be a warning to you all.