22 books • 7 series
Political Football
Lobbying (Pocket Politics)
The Regulation of Animal Health and Welfare (Law, Science and Society)
The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis
The Oxford Handbook of Business and Government
The Development of a Discipline (Political Studies Special Issues)
Agriculture in the New Global Economy
Economic Policy in Britain (Contemporary Political Studies)
Pressure Groups and British Politics (Contemporary Political Studies)
The Effectiveness of European Union Environmental Policy
The Common Agricultural Policy (European Union)
The Politics of Economic Policy (Contemporary Political Studies)
The Dairy Industry
Pressure Groups, Politics and Democracy (Contemporary Political Studies)
Government and the Chemical Industry (Government-Industry Relations, #2)
Business and Politics in Britain
The Political Economy of Corporatism (Sociology, politics & cities)
The Politics of Economic Policymaking
Political Economy of Industrial Policy
Independent Local Politics in England and Wales
Confederation of British Industry