11 books • 1 series
The Littlest Builder
The Biggest Scam On Earth
Carnet Ligné Projection Cinéma (Bnf Affiches)
Floating Spars. [Verses. with a Memoir of the Author, Signed, H. N. P.]
A Collection of Verses on Various Subjects, by H. E. Pocock. Signed, H. E. P., H. N. Y. and John W. P.] Ms. Notes.
Vnitie, Trvth and Reason Presented in All Humility Petition-Wise to the Honourable, the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, for the Commons House of Parliament / By Some Moderate, and Peace-Desiring Ministers (1641)
A Satyr Against Common-Wealths (1684)
A Looking Glass for Children, Being a Narrative of God's Gracious Dealings with Some Little Children; Recollected by Henry Jessey Together with Sundry Seasonable Lessons and Instructions to Youth
A Paradise of Prayers Containing the Purity of Deuotion and Meditation
A Looking-Glass for Children. Being a Narrative of God's Gracious Dealing with Some Little Children, Recollected by Henry Jessey, Together with Sundry Seasonable Lessons and Instructions to Youth
The Bushmen Of The Kalahari