13 books • 1 series
Look Around You
Captain Underwit
Nobody and Somebody
The Thirsty Arabia
The Aphrodisia
The Second Part of the Clergyman's and People's Remembrancer
Occasional Issues of Unique or Very Rare Books. in Sixteen Volumes, Vol. III. the Sonnets of William Percy, 1594
The Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants or the Bearing Down the Inne, a Comaedye. the Faery Pastorall or Forest of Clues. by W- P-
Coelia; Containing Twenty Sonnets
The Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants, Or, the Bearing Down the Inne [Microform]; A Comaedye; The Faery Pastorall, Or, Forrest of Elves
The Sonnets of William Percy, 1594, Ed., with Intr. and Notes, by A.B. Grosart
Age of Recovery (Development of Western Civilization S.)