Gary Kramer is an award-winning freelance outdoor journalist who lives in Willows, California. He has published five books, hundreds of articles and thousands of photos. His photographs/articles regularly appear in many outdoor magazines in the United States including "Ducks Unlimited", "Shooting Sportsman", "Gray's Sporting Journal", "National Wildlife", "Living Bird" and others along with calendars and corporate advertising.
A native Californian and US Navy Vietnam veteran, Gary earned Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in wildlife management from Humboldt State University. For 26 years, Gary was a biologist and refuge manager with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. After a ten-year stint as the refuge manager of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex, he retired to pursue his writing and photo career full-time. Having traveled to 57 countries, he is among the most well-traveled outdoor journalists in the world. In the process of putting this book together, Gary traveled from the Arctic Circle in Alaska to the deserts of Arizona, west to the Hawaiian Islands, east to Canada's Hudson Bay and the north woods of Maine, south to Florida and many places in between.