34 books • 10 series
La Combustión (Burning) (La Química de (the Chemistry Of))
La Descomposición (Rotting) (La Química de (the Chemistry Of))
La Oxidación (Rusting) (La Química de (the Chemistry Of))
American Badger (Animals of the Night)
Red Fox (Animals of the Night)
Barn Owl (Animals of the Night)
Mammals (Classifying Animals)
Stephen F. Austin (People Who Shaped America)
Black History Month (American Holidays and Celebrations)
Labor Day (American Holidays and Celebrations)
Saltwater Crocodile (Apex Predators)
Orca (Apex Predators)
Golden Eagle (Apex Predators)
Persian (My Cat)
Trombones (Musical Instruments)
Harmonicas (Musical Instruments)
Maracas (Musical Instruments)
Scottish Fold (Fantastic Cats)
Norwegian Forest Cat (Fantastic Cats)
Tambourines (Musical Instruments)
Abyssinian (Fantastic Cats)
Donkeys (Animals on the Farm)
Ostriches (Animals on the Farm)
Geese (Animals on the Farm)