Lucas "Fresch" Klesch began to learn photography the makers way from a young age of seven, from his father, who learned from his father, and so on. When he turned ten years old, his beatnik grandma introduced him to coffee and poetry as a birthright. Over the years of writing poetry, he learned that his heritage included Emily Dickinson and Dylan Thomas. From here he moved on to being a climate scientist and has fought most of his adult life for a sea change in human thinking through applied climate solutions. He is a painter of abstract art focussed on the quantum message left over from the universes formation. In his mid twenties, he embraced the Bukowski life and the dive bar alternative culture of Portland. This gave rise to his first three poetry books, a pioneering genre of photography entitled Twisted Pinups, and he can claim to be one of the mythical initial twenty Timbers Army members who revolutionized futbol supporters in America. He currently lives in Portland Oregon with his daughter in a carbon neutral live/work studio where he is working on several photography books, a couple new poetry books, and his first literature book.