10 books • 1 series
Fine-scale mapping of relative abundance and trends, and extraction of small-area population trends for breeding birds
Potential future distribution and abundance patterns of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo
The Breeding Bird Survey
An Assessment of the Potential Benefits of Additional Stratification of BBS Squares by Habitat and Accessibility to Enhance the Monitoring of Rare Species and Habitats
Bird Atlas 2007-11
The Migration of Red Knots Calidris Canutus Rufa and Turnstone Arenaria Interpres Passing Through Delaware Bay in 2003
The Potential Implications for Birds of Reform of the Sugar Beet Industry in England
Towards Developing the Thresholds for Waterbirds That Take into Account Turnover
The Value and Management of Wastewater Treatment Works for Breeding and Wintering Birds in Lowland Eastern England
Winter Ecology of Golden Plovers and Lapwings (BTO Research Reports, #224)