Kathy Velikov is an Architect, Associate Professor at University of Michigan's Taubman College, founding partner of the research-based practice RVTR and the current President of ACADIA. Her work ranges from material prototypes that mediate matter, energy, information, and atmosphere between bodies and environments, to the investigation of territorial practices and urban infrastructures, working through the techniques of mapping and analysis, speculative design propositions, physical prototyping, exhibitions, and writing. Her work and writing has been published in the journals TAD, AD, Footprint, JAE, IJAC, Leonardo, New Geographies, eVolo, Volume, [bracket] Goes Soft, and MONU, and books such as Towards a Robotic Architecture, Third Coast Atlas, Infrastructure Space, and Hypernatura, Paradigms in Computing, Performative Materials in Architecture, and High Performance Homes.l. She is a recipient of the Architectural League's Young Architects Award and the Canadian Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture, and is co-author of Infra Eco Logi Urbanism (Park Books).