I spent each year of my childhood half in Maine and half in Florida, as my parents were none too fond of Maine winters. I've finally settled near Bangor, Maine, year-round. For a time, I helped run a local ice rink in exchange for free skating whenever I wanted. One of my favorite experiences of all time was being able to glide by myself across the ice at night, listening to whatever music I wanted through the PA system. Music is among my greatest loves-both playing it and listening to it. My vocals appear on several songs on Disclaimer's recent album, They Burned for 18 Days! I also enjoy sewing, rock collecting, mechanical work, and reality television. Oh, and writing. Survival Kit's Apocalypse is my first book, and I discovered that I genuinely love these characters and that they have more to tell me, so I plan to write at least two more books in the series. I live with one dog, one cat, one unstoppably shrieky bird, and one husband. I strongly support animal rescue programs.