Susan Vass was a standup comedian for over 30 years, logging several thousand performances from coast to coast. In 2010, when she retired, she and her husband, novelist Max Cossack, moved from Minnesota to Arizona where she took up walking in shorts outdoors in January and target shooting in the desert with a variety of pistols. Because of the vast number of hours spent in ammo lines waiting for scarce ammo during that period, Susan acquired the nickname Ammo Grrrll. She approached a friend who co-owned a very popular center-right political commentary site called Power Line to see if they would like a regular guest columnist to write a humor column touching on politics, guns, marriage, popular culture, and American life. They did. And she did. Ammo Grrrll has been writing a Friday column weekly for more seven years. Ammo Grrrll Reloads is the sixth in a series of collections of those columns. Volume 6 covers April 1, 2019, through March 2020. Plan to own them all. The entire collection will probably cost no more than a week of Caramel Macchiatos at Starbucks. With far fewer calories. Perfect bedside reading or any place else where reading entertaining little 5-minute snippets would be appropriate. Enjoy. Read less