Fernando Jose Barbin Laurindo is professor at Polytechnic School, University of Sao Paulo, since1997. He holds Production Engineering degree (Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo). He is M.Sc. and Ph.D in Production Engineering from Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo. He is also graduate in Law (University of Sao Paulo) and made Extension Course in Business Administration from Fundacao Getulio Vargas. He was a visiting fellow at Polytechnic of Milan sponsored by a State Government Research Agency (FAPESP). He belongs to Information Technology Management Group (GTI) of the Production Engineering Department. He is the research vice-coordinator of GTI group (listed in CNPq - a Federal Research Agency Research Group). Currently, he belongs to the board of Executive Director of Fundacao Carlos Alberto Vanzolini. During more than ten years, he worked in Information Technology, Project and Product Management in companies of the industrial, financial and service sectors.