62 books
Final Environmental Assessment for the Texas A&M University Combined Heat and Power Project, College Station, Texas (DOE/EA-1775)
Final Environmental Assessment for FutureFuel Chemical Company Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative Project, Batesville, AR (DOE/EA-1760)
Final Environmental Assessment for Battelle Memorial Institute's Smart Grid Project at the City of Ellensburg's Renewable Energy Park, Kittitas County, Washington (DOE/EA-1756)
2011 NETL Accomplishments
Final Environmental Assessment for the Virginia State Energy Program's Cephas C&D Wastes Biomass Project, Richmond, Virginia (DOE/EA-1767)
A Comparison of Gasification and Incineration of Hazardous Wastes
Final Environmental Assessment for the Performance Verification Laboratory (DOE/EA-1837)
Hydrogen Production Facilities Plant Performance and Cost Comparisons
Final Environmental Assessment for the Blast Furnace Gas Flare Capture Project at the ArcelorMittal USA, Inc. Indiana Harbor Steel Mill, East Chicago, Indiana (DOE/EA-1745)
Case Study Analysis of the U. S. and EU Proposals (Task Final Report)
Final Environmental Assessment for Brea Power II, LLC's Olinda Combined Cycle Electric Generating Plant Fueled by Waste Landfill Gas, Brea, California (DOE/EA-1744)
Final Environmental Assessment for the Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Waste Energy Project at the AK Steel Corporation Middletown Works, Middletown, Ohio (DOE/EA-1743)
Final Environmental Assessment for the Public Service Company of New Mexico Photovoltaic Plus Battery for Simultaneous Voltage Smoothing and Peak Shifting Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (DOE/EA-1754)
Peaking of World Oil Production
Battery-Powered Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Projects to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Greenhouse Emission Reductions and Natural Gas Vehicles
Final Environmental Assessment for the Rhode Island LFG Genco, LLC Combined Cycle Electricity Generation Plant Fueled by Landfill Gas, Johnston, Rhode Island (DOE/EA-1742)
Developing Emission Baselines for Market-Based Mechanisms
Developing The Technology Matrix for India and Ukraine (Draft Report)
Advanced Fossil Power Systems Comparison Study Final Report
Life-Cycle Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Inventory for Fischer-Tropsch Fuels
Prospects for Early Deployment of Power Plants Employing Carbon Capture
Final Environmental Assessment for Toxco, Incorporated Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative Application, Lancaster, Ohio (DOE/EA-1722)
Final Environmental Assessment for Novolyte Technologies, Inc. Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative Project, Zachary, LA (DOE/EA-1719)