In second grade, during art class, when many of his classmates asked him to draw animals and even Abe Lincoln, did Henry realise that he had a talent for drawing. After school, in the 4th grade, he took still life classes and later on design classes, water color and Act drawing classes during high school and college. As a youth, Henry Roberts spent numerous vacations on Nantucket Island with his parents and siblings. A boarding school veteran with a strong creative instinct and appriciation for the fine arts, which has always accompanied him throughout his career, Henry spent a college semester abroad in Europe. He travelled more than one summer with a best friend and a Eurorail ticket through the cultural highlights of the continent. After finishing College Roberts landed back in Central Europe where he earned a Master's degree in Modern European History. Through his artistic talents and further education in the field of digital technology, Roberts gained employment as Art director, Layouter and Webdesigner by a large sports organization. Roberts also sings in a renominated amateur classical choir performing on international stages with various professional Orchestras. He has now resided for over 24 years in Europe and only occasionally makes it back to the island for a dip in the Atlantic with his own family.