Omayra Velez lives in Florida. She is a retired Army Officer and soldier for life. Go Army! Her favorite things to do are knit, read, write and snowboard, not necessarily in that order. Once retired, Omayra saw her opportunity to follow her next big dream, to write a book. But the story took on a life of its own as more characters appeared in her head and demanded her attention, asking for their share of the story to be told. Thus, one book turned into many. She is keeping busy writing Calixta, the first in the series The Vanquishers of Alhambra and the fouth book in the Assembly of Thirteen series, although some characters are taking her on little separate forays. Her life is full of love, with memories of her crazy cat named Katia, who helped her write book 1, and a lazarillo of a dog named Dexxy. She is not blind, but her dog guides her none the less. If you would like to know more about Omayra and her books, please visit her website: https: // Or 'Like' and 'Follow' her on Facebook page, to find out more about the characters and their stories: https: // And share in the fun, by following Omayra on Twitter: @OmayraV_Writer