Masahiro Sasaki, Sadako's older brother, was born in Hiroshima in 1941. Masahiro, along with Sadako, were exposed to the atomic bombing in 1945. As a teenager, he joined the Acting Construction Committee to build The Children's Monument of the Atomic Bomb, completed in 1958. Since 2000, Masahiro has dedicated himself to sharing Sadako's true story, and the plight of all atomic war survivors with the world. Masahiro received the Hiroshima Citizen's Award in 2007 and was awarded the Spirit of America Award from the National Council for the Social Studies, the first non-American to receive it. He established The Sadako Legacy, a nonprofit organization, in 2009. To inspire others, he has donated Sadako's cranes to venues all around the world. Today, Masahiro gives lectures globally and promotes activities to connect people for peace.