Sonia Ducie Dip.CSN.AIN. is a teacher at The Connaissance School of Numerology and a member of the Association Internationale De Numerologues. She has been a professional Numerologist for more than 23 years and has written 12 books, which have been translated into 13 languages, including Numerology: Your Personal Guide to Life (2007) and Do It Yourself Numerology (2009). With a background in journalism and an early fascination for science and mathematics, she was drawn from a young age to the intuitive, transformational and metaphysical aspects of Numerology. Over the years, she has worked not only with many individuals but also with many businesses to enhance their growth, success and satisfaction from the inside out. Every day numbers reveal more of the unseen to her, and add to her sense of compassion for and understanding of the universe. She lives every day in awe of the journey of our soul and humanity as explored through number, and she is passionate about sharing this with others, whether newcomers to the field or people who already know some and would like to know more.