Suzanne Moore is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years' experience writing for newspapers and magazines. Presently, she is the news editor of the Press-Republican in Plattsburgh, New York. She and her daughter Shelby have collaborated on fictional Christmas stories for the newspaper for the past few years, including one inspired by Pepper, so it only seemed natural to write a storybook about their blind pup together. With Suzanne's husband (and Shelby's dad) Bryan, they created the Blind Pup Project to help battle stigmas against those with disabilities and encourage those facing challenges to keep wagging their tailsomething Suzanne frequently needed reminders about as she illustrated this, her first book. A former AmeriCorps volunteer who worked with children and the elderly, Shelby's passion for humanitarian endeavors has found a perfect home in the Blind Pup Project, especially considering her deep love for animals as well.