8 books
A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern
Idea della Perfezione della Pittura di Mr. Rolando Freart (Classic Reprint)
Parallele de L'Architecture Antique Et de La Moderne; Avec Un Recueil Des Dix Principaux Autheurs Qui Ont Ecrit Des Cinq Ordres...
Idee de la perfection de la peinture
Traitte de la peintvre
A Parallel of the Antient Architecture With the Modern, in a Collection of ten Principal Authors who Have Written Upon the Five Orders, Written in French by Roland Freart The Second Edition With Large Additions
A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern, in a Collection of Ten Principal Authors Who Have Written Upon the Five Orders, Viz. Palladio and Scamozzi, Serlio and Vignola, D. Barbaro and Cataneo
Traité élémentaire de la peinture