Allan Rossman has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo since 2001. Prior to moving to the West Coast, Dr. Rossman taught at Dickinson College from 1989 to 2001 and received his undergraduate and graduate degrees respectively at Geneva College and Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Rossman is the originator of the WORKSHOP STATISTICS series of course books that lead students to explore and discover fundamental concepts and methods of statistics. He directed one of the MAA's NSF-funded STATS projects that conducted workshops for mathematicians who teach statistics. Dr. Rossman has chaired the ASA/MAA Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics and the ASA's Section on Statistical Education. He was co-editor of STATS magazine and serves on the International Program Committee for the International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Elected as a Fellow of ASA in 2001, Dr. Rossman has given presentations and conducted workshops on the teaching of statistics around the world.