My interest in this subject dates back 30 years, when I started studying natural building methods, energy efficiency, indoor pollution, dowsing, Feng Shui, Sick Building Syndrome, bio-harmonic architecture and sustainable building. I realised that our health and the environment we live in are interacting on many levels, and healthy building is one of the foundation stones of good health. I am currently (since 1992) practising as an Indoor Environment Consultant (Buildingbiologist, Cert BBE, NZ). In this capacity, I conduct home and office consultations throughout NSW to improve health and productivity, often in conjunction with other holistic healing professionals like allergy specialists, child therapists, naturopaths or integrative medicine practitioners. Throughout my career, I have gained enormous satisfaction from seeing the changes to clients' lives which can come from applying simple, natural principles to their built environment. I also provide an informative website and an interactive Facebook Page (Buildingbiology Australia), as well as giving public talks to promote Buildingbiology in Australia. Another area of expertise is project-managing renovations and building projects according to Buildingbiological Standards. The Healthy House Australia certification is awarded to homes that are built according to our high standards.