Pamela Miller has been gleefully embroidering the fringes of Chicago's poetry scene for more than 40 years. She is the author of five other books: Fast Little Shoes (Erie Street Press), Mysterious Coleslaw (Ridgeway Press), Recipe for Disaster and Miss Unthinkable (both from Mayapple Press), and Mr. Mischief (dancing girl press). Her poems have appeared in many print and online journals, including The Paris Review, RHINO, BlazeVOX, Otoliths, Nixes Mate Review, Wicked Alice, The MacGuffin, and the late, great Free Lunch, and in the anthologies New Poetry From the Midwest, How to Read a Poem, The Great American Poetry Show 2, and Circe's Lament: Anthology of Wild Women Poetry. She has performed her work at readings in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Detroit, and elsewhere. Ms. Miller has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize either five or six times (she's lost count). After a frenetic 36-year career slinging content for various public relations, marketing communications, editing, publishing, and freelance writing jobs, she now lives in blissful retirement with her husband, science fiction writer Richard Chwedyk.