Sarah Guthals received her PhD from UCSD in computer science specializing in CS Education in 2014. During graduate school, she built the beta version of CodeSpells, a 3D immersive video game designed to teach children to code through playing a wizard and writing spells. Sarah went on to cofound ThoughtSTEM, a company that builds software (for example, LearnToMod), curriculum, and pedagogies for teaching children to code and empowering K–12 teachers to teach their students. Sarah has written four books around Minecraft, one on mobile app development, one on making digital games, and one on helping adults teach kids coding; launched a Coursera and EdX course for teachers interested in teaching coding; was recently named Forbes 30 under 30 in Science and UCSD’s 40 under 40 Alumni; and founded We Can — a company dedicated to encouraging all kids to do anything. Sarah has been a lecturer at UCSD for the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Educational Studies and was an engineering manager at GitHub. She is currently a senior program manager at Microsoft, focused on education. Sarah’s passion is making coding accessible to everyone, with the goal of making it a basic literacy.

**Source**: [*GitHub for Dummies*](