Dimosthenis E. Bolanakis was born in Crete, Greece (1978) and graduated with a degree in Electronic Engineering (2001) from ATEI Thessalonikis. He received an M.Sc. (2004) in Modern Electronic Technologies and a Ph.D. (2016) in Education Sciences (focusing on Remote Experimentation), both from University of Ioannina. He has (co)authored more than 30 papers (mainly on Research in Engineering Education) and he is the author of MEMS Barometers toward Vertical Position Detection: Background Theory, System Prototyping, and Measurement Analysis (Morgan & Claypool, May 2017), and co-author of Microcomputer Architecture: Low-level Programming Methods and Applications of the M68HC908GP32 (Createspace/Self-publishing, 2012). During the period 2012-2014 he joined European System Sensors S.A. corporation that specialized in the design of MEMS sensors. Since 2014 he has been occupied as Special Lab & Teaching Personnel at Hellenic Air Force Academy (Informatics & Computers section). His design/research interests include: μC-based & FPGA-based digital hardware design; MEMS sensors system-level design and measurement analysis (using Matlab script code); C/LabVIEW software co-development for the hardware interfacing; and research in engineering education.

He currently lives in Athens (Greece) together with his wonderful wife, Katerina, and their two delightful kids, Manolis and Eugenia.