Dr. Debra Zahay is a full professor of marketing at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. She has overseen the inclusion of digital marketing and analytics in the undergraduate and graduate curriculums. Dr. Zahay researches how firms can facilitate customer relationships using digital technology, particularly using customer information effectively. She served as a vice president on the executive board of the Chicago American Marketing Association and the board of the Marketing EDGE organization. She currently serves on the editorial boards of Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Analytics and Journal of Marketing Education. She was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing from 2012–2017, where she guided the explosive growth and expanding influence of that journal. She has co-authored 30 academic articles and an additional Cengage text on social media marketing and has authored a short book for teaching digital marketing in master's-level courses. She holds her Ph.D. in marketing (business administration) from the University of Illinois.