I have heard all the stories from the husbands who were cheating of their wives and the wives who were cheating on their husbands with me. I had women who I would have sex with for fun and some who would pay good money for my special services. As a little boy, I never saw the love a man should have for his wife. All I saw was the horror and the physical pain and verbal abuse my dad infected on my mom. As a teenage boy, all the men in my inner circle cheated on their wives. My brothers, cousins, uncles, and friends all had wives and women on the side. As a grown man when all my friends would get married, they would still keep their woman on the side. This led me to the conclusion, "Why should I love and marry one woman and cheat on her with another woman and cause her all the heartache and pain and take her through the hell I have seen the men in my life do to the women they said they loved? Instead I can stay single and have sex with hundreds of women and not hurt one." That was my choice, and I lived the player lifestyle for over thirty years. I have talked with the cheating husbands and slept with the cheating wives, and I have heard all the cheating stories.