Victor Clevenger hopes for the more exciting side of death, as he spends his days in a Madhouse and his nights writing poetry. He sleeps with his second ex-wife and raises his six children in a small town northeast of Kansas City, MO. Selected pieces of his work have appeared at, or are soon forthcoming in, Poems-For-All, Chiron Review, GTK Journal, Yellow Chair Review, Rat's Ass Review, Blink Ink, irteen Myna Birds, the 2016 Hessler Street Fair Poetry Anthology (Crisis Chronicles Press), Delirious: A Poetic Celebration of Prince (NightBallet Press, 2016), Prompts! (39 West Press, 2016). Victor's poetry collections include Come Here (Least Bittern Books, 2016), and e More Exciting Side Of Death (Epic Rites Press/Tree Killer Ink, 2016).