Yi Qin is a Professor, Chair of Manufacturing Technology and Systems, and Director of the Centre for Precision-Manufacturing at The University of Strathclyde, UK.

Professor Qin's research interests include materials forming, precision/micro-manufacturing and manufacturing system technology. His main contributions to knowledge to-date include numerical modelling and analysis methods for materials and manufacturing, new material synthesis and manufacturing processes, machine, tool and product designs as well as new manufacturing system concepts. As one of the leading experts in the field, Professor Qin has led a series of research and development projects, including several large-scale R&D projects in micro-manufacturing involving many industrial companies. To date, he has published over 250 technical papers in the journals and international conferences, given keynote speeches/plenary addresses at more than 30 international conferences and workshops worldwide, a member of the scientific committee for more than 50 international conferences, including the chair of the international conferences on new forming technology and manufacturing research.