Geetha Venkataraman is a Professor of Mathematics at Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD). She did an MA and DPhil (doctorate) in Mathematics at the University of Oxford. Her area of research is finite group theory. She is a co-author of a research monograph titled Enumeration of Finite Groups, published in 2007.

Prior to joining AUD as a Professor in 2010, Professor Venkataraman taught at St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. She has published several research papers related to group theory and articles related to education, with an emphasis on undergraduate education. Apart from her interest in group theory and related areas, she is deeply interested in popularising mathematics, mathematics education and issues related to women in mathematics. She has given several research talks and popular talks on mathematics in India and other countries to a varied audience ranging over middleand high school children, schoolteachers and mathematicians.

Professor Venkataraman did a BSc (Honours) in Mathematics at St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. She stood first in Delhi University in BSc (H) Mathematics. The Inlaks Scholarship and the Burton Senior Scholarship from Oriel College, University of Oxford, enabled her to complete a masters and a DPhil respectively from the University of Oxford.

She is a keen birdwatcher and photographer of birds. Recently, four of her bird photographs have been published in a bird book for children, written in Manipuri, titled On the Lap of Nature: Let’s See Let’s Find, by Dr Kh. Shamugnou. Some of her photographs have been chosen for the database