Fabrizio. is the pseudonym of Fabrizio Catalfamo, born in Siracusa on March 4, 1962. Self-taught author, alternates his blogger's activities (FG Post, Autism 20) with writing. In 2013 he publishes his first short self-publishing tale: "The Fenice Booklet" followed by the atheist essay: "Ermeneutica dell'evidente . " He collaborates with the re-edition of some old books: "The End of a Kingdom," Talks with Mussolini, "and" The Confessor's Manual. "He lives a good part of his life between France and Switzerland, spending a brief stay in India as a result of his interests in Indu's ascetic cultures, and moved to the United States in 2007. He founded the "Hoffmann & Hoffmann" publishing company in 2017, which proposes the English translation of emerging Italian authors, as well as the re-release of the world's oldest classmates. In 2017 he publishes with the label Hoffmann & Hoffmann the essay "Hermeneutic of the Evident" and the novel "26 Days."