Mark Tucker was born in England and moved to Australia in 2001 with his then wife and two young daughters. In 2007 his marriage failed. Mark's daughters decided that they wanted to live with him, and so began a journey of learning to adapt to life as a single parent, rebuilding his and his daughters' lives, as well as the more mundane activities of managing a household. At the time of his divorce, Mark went looking for a book that would help him to cope with his new life and become a successful single father. He was unable to find one. So, once the dust had settled, he decided to write his book, with the view to encouraging other single fathers. 'I hope single fathers who read this book will be able to recognise that although being a single father is a hard journey, it is also one that can be extremely rewarding," he said. Mark is currently a Partner at a major consulting company and, having remarried, is enjoying the challenge of bringing up a blended family of two girls, two boys and three dogs. Mark's passion is helping single fathers become the best Dads they can be.