Sam Hamill has translated more than two dozen books from ancient Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Latin, and Estonian. He has published fourteen volumes of original poetry. He has been the recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, and the Mellon Fund. He was awarded the Decoración de la Universidad de Carabobo in Venezuela, the Lifetime Achievement Award in Poetry from Washington Poets Association, and the PEN American Freedom to Write Award. He cofounded and served as Editor at Copper Canyon Press for thirty-two years and is the Director of Poets Against War.
Sep 23, 2017
Cover of El efecto nirvana

El efecto nirvana

Jan 22, 2016
Cover of Dragonfly Haiku

Dragonfly Haiku

Dec 31, 1999
Cover of Inch by Inch

Inch by Inch

Mar 1, 1986
Cover of Dusk Lingers

Dusk Lingers