43 books • 4 series
Vignettes from the Velvet Vixen
Encyclopaedia Cordysia
The Viscountess and the Valeguard
Sequestered Short Stories
The Secrets of Lady Gemini
And Now These Three Remain
The Creation of Cordysia and the Sylestian Wars
Haunted by Sacred Waters
Wind, Stone, Flame, and Sea
The Brighter Snow Falls in the Dark
Do The Gods Still Dance In Waterfalls?
I Remember When the Raven Returned (Cordysian Chronicles, #7)
Castaways of the Crown Islands (Cordysian Chronicles, #6)
Letters from Lorewyn (Cordysian Chronicles, #4)
Knights of the Faerie Blade (Cordysian Chronicles, #3)
Two Flew at Midnight (Cordysian Chronicles, #2)
Where the Children of Wind Once Danced (Cordysian Chronicles, #1)
Sustainable dryland cropping in relation to soil productivity (FAO soils bulletin, #72)
Agronomia de Los Sistemas Pastoriles