Riki Wilchins has 25 years of writing, advocacy, and research on gender and trans issues. She is a founder of the first national transgender advocacy group, GenderPAC, as well as the direct action group The Transexual Menace [sic]. Riki is the author of seven books on gender theory and politics, and her writing has appeared in popular media outlets The Village Voice and Social Text, peer review publications such as The Journal of Research on Adolescence and The Journal of Homosexuality, and also her own recurring blog at Medium.com/@rikiwilchins. She has conducted gender trainings for institutions including the White House, CDC, and the HHS Office on Women's Health. Riki's work has been profiled by The New York Times. TIME magazine selected Riki among "100 Civic Innovators for the 21st Century." She lives in sunny South Beach with her partner, one daughter, two dogs, and three tennis racquets.