I am A. Rose, 25 years young and an aspiring writer from Minneapolis, Mn. I have always enjoyed the worlds of fantasy fiction, as a young girl I wished that I could live in them. I spent so much time dreaming up my own worlds inside my head, even though I knew that they could never be real. As an adult, that has not changed but now I know that these worlds are as real as you make them. My favorite thing to do is read, my second favorite thing to do is nap, and my third favorite thing to do is write. I have an 8-year-old ragdoll cat by the name of Tia and a boyfriend of almost 5 years named Ben. I spend most of my time at home, work, or school but you can pretty much always find me indoors. I love social media, probably too much, and my favorite past time is watching shitty reality T.V. shows. There isn't a whole lot to me, sometimes I'm complicated and sometimes I'm not, depends on the day really. However, I will say that if you ever have any questions I am always open to answering them.