36 books
Astrology Mundane and Spiritual, V1
Astrology Mundane and Spiritual, V2
Ancient Operative Masonry and the Mysteries of Antiquity
The Middle Path the Safest
Spiritual Psychology
The Mystery of the Cleansing Blood
The Diagnosis of Disease by Means of Star Chemistry
The Great Mystical Milepost
The Coming Spiritual Race and the Coming Force
Astrological Vocabulary
Magic Among the Uncultured Races
Astrology in Freemasonry
Spiritual Astrology
Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis
The Challenge of the Mystic
A Consideration of the Law of Mind
Words of Warning to the Mystical Aspirant
The Mystical Law of Consequences
A Simpler Way of Reading Horoscopes
Mystic Freemasonry
Prayer a Magic Invocation - Pamphlet
Horary Astrology - Pamphlet
Countries and Cities Ruled by Zodiacal Signs